Drugs Awareness Parent Event

9th May 2016

In school we aim to help children to learn to respect themselves and others and move safely from childhood, through adolecence, into adulthood. As part of this work, we deliver an ongoing programme of drug education. This programmme begins as soon as children arrive in school and continues until the end of secondary school. There is more information about this programme in the leaflet below.
Follwing our recent parents awareness evening this is the advice our parents want to share with you...
"The key to good drug awareness is good two way communication between children and their parents so that children trust you and feel comfortable discussing drug use in an open and honest way."
"We need to help our children to feel valued and build on their self confidence to help them make the right chouices in life."
"The overall level of drug taking in young children in Cambridgeshire has been declining over th past 10-15 years."
"If your child has a question about drugs, don't panic...information is all around them even from the programmes they watch on TV. Ask them what made them ask the question so that you can find out what they already know, and give them a truthful answer."
"Model responsible use of drugs and alcohol. Show your child that you check carefullly that medicine doses are given at the right times."
"Make children aware of solvent danger around the home and keep solvents safely stored."