Positive Behaviour at Meldreth Primary School

The Cambridgeshire Therapeutic Thinking model has inspired our approach to behaviour management.

Everyone in our school is expected to maintain the highest standards of personal conduct, to accept responsibility for their behaviour and encourage others to do the same.

We recognise that each individual child is at a different stage of social learning.  Only through a consistent approach to supporting their behaviour will we be able to achieve an environment in which children can learn and develop as caring and responsible people.

Pro-social Behaviour

We reward behaviour that is positive, kind, helpful, shows concern for the feelings/rights of others, and benefits our community and wider society. We encourage intrinsic motivation through regular verbal praise. We want children to feel good about exhibiting pro-social behaviours and our curriculum explicitly teaches what pro-social behaviour looks like.

Adult Strategies to Develop Excellent Behaviour

At Meldreth Primary School, adults apply the following principles in all interactions with pupils:

  • IDENTIFY the behaviour we expect.
  • Explicitly TEACH behaviour.
  • MODEL the behaviour we are expecting.
  • PRACTISE behaviour.
  • NOTICE excellent behaviour.
  • CREATE conditions for excellent behaviour.

Our policy is also clear that we must challenge and educate when it comes to unsocial and anti-social behaviour.

Unsocial and Anti-Social Behaviour

We define unsocial behaviour as non-compliance and anti-social behaviour as detrimental to others. Our Positive Behaviour policy outlines how we record and respond to these types of behaviours. If difficult behaviour occurs, staff will give a positve reminder and de-escalate behaviour - give a warning - give a theraputic and/or educational consequece.


Suspension and Exclusion

If anti-social behaviour results in a suspension or permanent exclusion, this will be at the discretion of the Headteacher. Local and Government policy and protocol will be followed, and parents will be fully communicated with.


Please see our Positive Relationship policy, for further details about our behaviour procedures.