Managers Blog 27th September

It has been a rather wet and windy week but that hasn't stopped us from enjoying lots of fun at Preschool. We have been enjoying time outside as much as we can, exploring the natural environment, finding bugs and different leaves, visiting the secret garden and exploring all our lovely new outdoor equipment.

The children have been finding different colors in our environments, making autumn collage and painting pictures, creating stick wands, going on bug hunts and even did a bit of baking! Our group activities have included looking our reflections in the mirror, story sacks, going on a shape hunt, learning about washing our hands and lots of dinosaur stomping and dancing! 

Next week, we contniue to learn about Autumn as well as exploring different foods associated with Harvest. If you have any fruits of vegetables that would link to this area of learning, please do bring them in for the children to explore. There has been quite a bit of talk about pumpkins!


  • INDOOR SHOES - now the wet weather is setting in and the children will be wearing wellies outside, please can you provide either a pair of slippers or indoor shoes daily or that can remain at preschool.
  • LABELLING - we are still having lots of water bottles that are not labelled. Please add your child's name to their bottles to avoid confusion.
  • FAMILY PHOTOS - we only have a few family photos at the moment and we would love to see some more. These can be emailed to me, added to Tapestry or given in to be photocopied.

Dates for the diary:

  • Sunday 6th October - Harvest festival
  • Friday 18th October - PTA cheese and wine night at the British Queen 730pm
  • Friday 25th October - PTA Clairvoyant evening (tickets bookable on MCAS)
  • 28th Oct-1st Nov - HALF TERM 
  • Thursday 31st October - Halloween
  • Wednesday 13th November - school photos

Harvest festival

As next Sunday marks Harvest festival, we would love to collect some foods to donate to the food bank in the village. If you have any tinned or packet foods or any other foods that wont spoil, please bring them in next week and we will arrange a collection of items to donate. Thank you.