
20th April 2017

This week in Robin class children began an accredited Foundation Stage 'Learn to Cycle' programme as part of their PE provision in school.
The programme is designed to help children gain the confidence and skills required to ride a pedal bike independently, getting them off to the best start in cycling and assisting their ability to participate in Bikeability at a later stage in their school years.
Through the use of pedal-less bikes, Balanceability removes the need for stabilisers and promotes the fundamental skill of cycling, which is balance.
During the next dew weeks the children will be developing their gross motor skills, spatial awareness, dynamic and static balance, bilateral co-ordination along with all the necessary skills to make the transition from a balance bike to an ordinary pedal bike in a safe, challenging but fun way.

Visit the Balanceability website for more information.

See the video below for what to expect!