Our Grafham Water Adventure

9th May 2018

Day 1
Time flies when you’re having fun. Beds made...bags unpacked...site explored...first activity completed and dinner eaten. Phew!
The children have all been exceptional: funny, determined, caring, entertaining and absolutely up for everything. In their three groups (Apples Bananas and Cherries) they have been involved in a fantastic range of water, wheels and altitude challenges and are currently getting thoroughly messy, drenched and mucky in the blindfold Grafham Challenge! Spirits are high....we’re having a ball.
Day 2 
Mr Jones was up and showered and it was still very quiet on the corridors! A good night was had by all...that was until 6:45am when the dawn chorus began!
A day which started with scrambled eggs and porridge for some and which was filled with ...kayaking...canoeing...challenges...teamwork...a 10 or 6 mile cycle ride...Jacob's ladder...excitement...exhaustion (adults only!).
A day which ended off with steak, chicken or vegetable bake and potatoes...cream cake...apple pie or fruit salad...more excitement...some nerves and the inevitable Talent show.
Day 3
A VERY good night - Mr Jones reports that the children all slept "like pearls in clams!"
Yesterday evening was the best Talent Show for years!
Climbing and archery await the children today, plus the all important room inspection results.
Now all the children have been delivered safely home perhaps a quiet weekend is on the cards?
A HUGE thank you to all our volunteers and to the children for their courageous feats.