Manager's Blog 10th May

Here is our weekly round up to tell you all about the wonderful things the children have been enjoying at Preschool this week.

The Caterpillars have enjoyed exploring The Hungry Caterpillar story, playing in a messy mud tray, outdoor chalking and water painting, creative painting indoors, building rockets, doing cosmic yoga and farm world imaginative play.

The Butterflies have enjoyed learning about the lifecycle of a seed, planting tomato plants and potatoes, creating numbered sunflowers for a measurement and counting display, explored the seeds in fruits and vegetables, helped water all the plants in the garden, built lots of towers and castles with duplo and plenty of outdoor play. 

The routines of both rooms may alter slightly over the coming weeks as the weather warms up and we seek more cooler times in the gardens.


  • Sun cream - please start applying sun cream before children arrive for their session and we will have sun cream in preschool to apply as a top up throughout the day. I have added a link here so you can which one we will use. If you would prefer an alternative to be used, please bring one in that can stay at preschool.
  • Clothing - now the warmer weather has finally made an appearance, please ensure children are dressed appropriately with layers that can be removed as needed.
  • Footwear - Children need to wear closed toe shoes or trainers from preschool as open sandals and crocs are not suitable for running and playing outdoors.
  • Sun hats - please provide a named sun hat for your child that can stay at preschool so that we can always ensure the children have appropriate protection from the sun. Thank you.

Dates for the diary:

  • 13th-17th May - mental health week - we invite the children to wear as much green as possible next week in support of this important cause
  • Monday 20th May - Play and Stay session - poster coming soon!
  • 23rd & 24th May - preschool closed for inset days
  • 27th-31st May - HALF TERM
  • Monday 3rd June - Summer term 2 starts