Here we are at half term already, I'm not sure where all those weeks have gone! We have ended our final weeks continuing our learning all about minibeasts and lifecycles and the children have really engaged in these topics, especially as we have been able to get outside much more!
The children have enjoyed going on bug hunts, visiting the secret garden, making all sorts of insects at the art and craft tables, different sensory tuff trays and playdough to explore, dancing and yoga linked to the topics, singing lots of songs and reading plenty of stories. We have spent lots of time all together in both the school house garden and the preschool garden and have also loved having our play and stay sessions with parents.
When we return, our final learning topics will be 'By the Sea' and 'Summer fun'. As I am sure you can imagine, the children are going to have so much fun exploring these topics and engaging in lots of exciting activities and learning opportunities. With this being our final half term, we will be having plenty of events and play and stay sessions for you all to attend and be involved with. I will give you as much notice as possible to all the events so hopefully there will be chance for everyone to come and join us for something.
Parent helpers
We would love to create a mini allotment/growing space in the large school house garden and we are asking for any donations or volunteers! We would like at least 2 planters (either homemade or not) and we may be getting some soil from Norbury's in Melbourn. If anyone has anything they could donate or some time to help us make the area please let us know!
We are also after some Lego for the Butterflies in support of their fine motor development. If you have spare Lego you would be able to donate we would much appreciate it.
Changes to snack time
We will be introducing a new snack routine in The Butterfly room when we return known as 'rolling snack'. I have attached an information poster explaining what this is and how it works.
We will also be changing what we provide for snack and would like to ask for your support with this. In order to streamline our snack time and with the introduction of rolling snack, we would like to kindly ask for donations from yourselves of fruits and vegetables. This could either be an individual named box for your child each day or a bag of apples/bunch of bananas/pack of carrots, etc. that we can share between everyone. We will still provide fruit and vegetables each day but donations would be greatly appreciated to support our new initiative.
- Labelling - Please can all water bottles and lunchboxes be clearly labelled at home as there is often confusion and multiples, thank you.
- Collection and drop off times - We appreciate you collecting your children on time and dropping them off on time for their sessions as this really supports our learning and routine. If you are running late and will not make the session time, please can you go to the school reception where they will let us know you have arrived. If you are running late for collection at the end of the day we will take your child to reception for you to collect. Below is a reminder of our session times:
Morning sessions starts 8.45am (gates close at 8.50am)
Morning session ends 11.45am (+ lunch club arrivals)
Afternoon session starts 12.15pm (+ lunch club ends)
Afternoon session ends 3.15pm
Dates for your diary:
- Monday 3rd June - Start of Summer term 2
- Friday 14th June - Fathers Day play and stay (details to follow)
- Sunday 16th June - Father's Day
Graduation 2024!!!! We have a provisional date for Friday 12th July in the afternoon but we will confirm all details when we return.