As staffing typically represents between 75% and 80% of mainstream schools’ expenditure, it’s important that as a school, we review our staff structure regularly as part of our annual school improvement, curriculum and financial planning.
No school employees at our school have a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more.
Next to staffing costs, premises costs can be one of the most expensive groups in the costing structure. This includes premises staff, cleaning, caretaking, maintenance and improvement, and private finance initiative (PFI) charges.
If our school doesn’t have adequate and professional services, this can have a direct impact upon our pupil outcomes. Educational supplies need to be modern and fit for purpose and schools need to access adequate professional services.
Learning resources are the very essence of our core business. We regularly evaluate how much of our total expenditure we are devoting to this important cost group. We look at this on a per pupil basis and challenge ourselves on whether we are spending enough on high quality learning resources.
You can view our school's financial data, see how it compares with others at the link below: