How will the curriculum be matched to meet my child’s needs?

All teachers use classroom based strategies to ensure that teaching is as good as it can possibly be (known as ‘Quality First Teaching’).
We provide a supportive environment using:
  • visual timetables
  • alternative ways for children to record their learning (e.g. computers)
  • accommodation of different learning styles (e.g. visual, kinesthetic, auditory)
  • specialist equipment (e.g. writing aids, fidget toys)
  • Strategies to develop independent learning
  • Dyslexia friendly displays and resources
We help all children access the curriculum through:
  • Adult supported group work (teacher and teaching assistant led)
  • Individualised curriculum planning where appropriate
  • One to one support during teaching if a need has been identified (e.g. language needs to be modified)
  • Provision of quiet workstations
  • Help in attending trips and residential visits
We give the children opportunities to develop their independent learning skills:
  • Visual aids and models on display in class to prompt children’s thinking and remind them of learned approaches
  • Scaffolding tasks to help children complete them (e.g. using writing frames, story maps, task plans)
  • ‘Chunking ‘activities (i.e. grouping information for a stepped approach to a task) 
  • Accessible individual resources that children can fetch if they need them (e.g. word mats, maths tools kits)
  • Use of step in, step out support to encourage independence for reluctant children
  • Open ended challenges to extend more able learners
Strategies to support/develop literacy including reading
  • Small group targeted literacy support to boost reading , writing and spelling
  • Withdrawal in a small group for targeted intervention customised to the particular group of children
  • Use of writing slopes pencil grips and wedge cushions
  • Extra opportunities to practice reading to a range of adults
  • Inference group work to boost higher level reading interpretation skills (Upper KS2)
  • One to One support with spellings and phonics

Strategies to support/develop numeracy
  • Small group support in class through guided teaching
  • Withdrawal in a small group for targeted intervention customised to the particular group of children
  • Use of practical resources (manipulatives)  e.g. Numicom
  • Termly assessments of children’s mathematical knowledge followed by teaching tailored to filling gaps in their understanding
  • Talking Maths to develop mathematical language

Strategies/programmes to support speech and language
  • Individual interventions from Speech and Language Therapy Service (if the child meets the threshold level required for their support)
  • Implementation of their programmes by TAs
  • Spirals group intervention to help develop children’ speaking and listening skills