Parent Page (Osprey)

Welcome to Osprey Class!

Hello and welcome to Osprey. 

In Osprey Class, Mr Hargreaves is the Class Teacher, alongside Mrs Pedge, who covers on Tuesday afternoons. Mrs Pedge is also our Higher Level Teaching Assistant. We also have support from Miss Dennett in the mornings and Mrs Lee in the afternoons.

We look forward to working with you this year in supporting your child to learn and grow.

Homework, Timetable and PE Days
Spellings: The children are set spellings on Fridays, these should be practiced every day ready for the following week, when they will be tested.
Maths: Children need to be learning their times tables throughout the year, so practicing at home is a great idea. By the end of Year 3, we aim to know the 2, 5, 10, 3, 4, 6, 8 and 11 times tables.
Home learning Children will be given maths homework on a Friday and have 1 week to complete the tasks set. All homework will be set on Google Classroom.

Our Handy Weekly Reminder


Reading book



 Wear P.E kit to school

20 mins reading after school



20 mins reading after school



20 mins reading after school


 Wear P.E Kit to school

20 mins reading after school



20 mins reading after school 



See if you can persuade someone to read to you every night at bedtime, too. (It's like a magic trick that sets your imagination on fire!)