Public Health England 8 Principles

At Meldreth Primary School, we value the importance of emotional well-being and mental health. Therefore, we follow the eight principles created by Public Health England.

Leadership and management

Support from the senior leadership team is essential to promote and embed emotional health and wellbeing. Leadership and Management champions the eight principles created by Public Health England.  Our school is mindful of staff as well as pupils’ needs.

School ethos and environment

The environment and Ethos of a school affects children’s physical, emotional and mental health and wellbeing, as well as impacting on attainment. Some of the opportunities we provide for children to look after their mental health and well-being in school are…

  • ‘Well-being Wednesday’ for children as a lunchtime club.
  • Informal pastoral care, to support vulnerable children
  • Parent support pages on our website

Curriculum, teaching and learning

Quality teaching and a good curriculum allow children to gain the skills they need to make good academic progress and benefit their health and wellbeing. At Meldreth Primary we have embedded a new RHSE programme which supports children in identifying and regulating their emotions.

  • New PHSE Curriculum embedded
  • Pupil specialist  training 
  • Cluster mental health workshops for Years 5 and 6

Pupil voice

We value our children’s opinions. It is important to us that they feel involved in decisions that impact on them and they feel part of the school and wider community. We achieve this through:

  • Our school council
  • Our Peer Mediators
  • Our Anti-bullying Council


Staff development, health and wellbeing

Our staff are passionate about CPD and supporting our children. Staff training is essential in promoting staff health and wellbeing and an essential principle of the whole-school approach


Identifying need and monitoring impact

We recognise the importance of monitoring the impact of any support that is put in place. We proactively evaluate, implement and monitor whole school approaches to mental wealth for both pupil and staff wellbeing using the Anna Freud 5 Steps framework to help our school community reach its mental health and wellbeing goals.

 Working with parents/carers

We value the support from our parents and careers and understand the vital role they play in supporting our children’s mental health and wellbeing. Some of the opportunities we offer are…

  • Parents and Carers – open door approach, visual and approachable at opening and closing times of schools.
  • Parent courses delivered by Cambridgeshire's Emotional Health & Wellbeing Service


Targeted support

It is important for us as a school to ensure that support is given to all our children and families. We recognise that, at times, some families may need more support than others with their mental health and wellbeing. We work closely with:

  • Allyance music and play therapists
  • Cambridgeshire's Emotional Health & Wellbeing Service, and 
  • YOUnited to support the children’s and family’s needs.
  • CBT and other therapies delivered by YOUnited.