Our Handy Weekly Reminder
Mon |
Book change |
20 mins reading after school | |
Tues |
Wear your PE Kit to school |
20 mins reading after school |
Weds |
20 mins reading after school |
Thurs |
20 mins reading after school |
Fri |
Wear your PE Kit to school |
Spelling check |
20 mins reading after school |
See if you can persuade someone to read to you every night at bedtime, too. (It's like a magic trick that sets your imagination on fire!)
Health and Attendance
Regular attendance at school is vital for your child’s education.
If your child is absent from school for any reason school needs to know. Please telephone the school by 9.15 a.m. on the first day of absence.
We need to know the reason (as schools are required to distinguish between authorised and unauthorised absence of pupils) and how long your child is likely to be off. Please ask your Doctor for advice regarding how long your child should be kept off school.
If medicine is prescribed, arrangements can only be made for the administration in school if the dosage is x4 daily. Parents are asked to complete a request form and all medicines must be handed to Mrs Barham, in the original packaging, clearly labelled with date, contents, pupil’s name and dosage.
Unavoidable absence and medical forms can be found here.