Cambridgeshire Therapeutic Thinking

At Meldreth Primary School, we use Therapeutic Thinking based on sound evidence-based principles, which promotes positive behaviour strategies supporting children and young people who may present challenging behaviour.

We provide training and practical advice for our staff to develop an understanding of safe and effective use of everyday physical interventions.

We promote

  • safe and effective techniques, utilising therapeutic, education, awareness, communication and positive and protective handling strategies.
  • a whole setting, holistic response to behaviour management.
  • the development of appropriate responses to incidents of 'out of control' behaviour, in a manner that maintains positive relationships and provides safety to all and reduces the amounts of serious incidents involving physical contact.

The Cambridgeshire Therapeutic Thinking methodology prioritises pro-social feelings of everyone within our school. This means understanding the feelings and thoughts behind behaviour and considering the effect it has on all individuals’ experiences and emotions within a particular group. Understanding this, results in long-term change of behaviour, rather than suppressing or punishing it.

At Meldreth Primary & Preschool we have two qualified instructors. All adults working with children in our school  are Therapeutic Thinking trained each year.

What difference will Cambridgeshire Therapeutic Thinking make in my school?

Through using therapeutic thinking techniques our school has developed a whole-school approach to inclusion, from the accurate identification of pupil needs, policy development, high-quality planning for positive behaviours, and practical approaches to de-escalation.

We ensure that all staff have the skills to support pupils to effectively self-regulate, providing follow-up restorative support and reviewing risk assessments to prevent and reduce reoccurrences.

The poem ‘Why I am Rude’, below, written by Sarah Dillon aims to help our parents to understand the 'why' behind behaviours which may be seen or described as rude, when actually, it is often a defence mechanism. There may be trauma, attachment or adverse childhood events, which have impacted on the child's view of themselves and those around them.

These children are not rude, they are communicating their pain.

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