Who can parents contact for further information?

If parents are worried about a child’s progress or our school’s provision for children, they should in the first instance discuss their child’s needs and the provision that has been made with their child’s class teacher. Any concerns that have not been addressed by this should be taken to the SENCo or head teacher. The school’s governing body are the final point of contact for these concerns; our schools SEN governor is Mr Neil O'Regan.
In addition, the Cambridgeshire Parental Partnership service is set up to help parents navigate the world of education.
  • Independent support and someone to talk to in confidence
  • Advice and information about Special Educational Needs
  • Preparing for meetings with your child’s school or with professional who are working with your child
  • Information on your rights and responsibilities as a parent, children’s rights and SEN law and guidance
  • Information about local support groups and voluntary organisations
  • Information leaflets, newsletters and policies, updates, training and events focused on special educational needs issues.
If at any point you are unsure about or unhappy with your child’s Special Educational Needs provision, then we would urge you to come in and speak to your child’s class teacher. If, having met with the class teacher you are still unclear, unhappy or concerned, then please do make an appointment to speak to the school SENDCo – Kate Samways who will be happy to listen to your concerns and to work together to find a solution.
Any residual concerns should be taken to the Head Teacher – Mrs Sasha Howard. The school’s governing body are the final point of contact for these concerns; our school’s SEND governor is Mr Neil O’Regan. Procedures for raising a concern or making a formal complaint are described in detail in our Complaints Policy.