Preventing mental health and wellbeing difficulties

By creating a safe and calm environment, where mental health problems are less likely to occur, we work hard to improve the mental health and wellbeing of our school community and instil resilience in pupils. Our preventative approach includes teaching pupils about mental wellbeing through the curriculum and reinforcing these messages in our activities and ethos.
We support staff in identifying mental health and wellbeing difficulties by equipping staff with the knowledge required to access early and accurate identification of emerging needs 
  • We have a designated Mental Health and Well Being Lead in school who is responsible for promoting wellbeing for our staff and pupils.
  • We have a designated trained nurture Higher Level Teaching Assistant Sarah Warrington, who delivers nurture groups for pupils, social and resilience  skills.
  • We have a number of Mental Health First Aiders  trained as a point of contact for staff and pupils who are experiencing a mental health issue or emotional distress.
We providing early support for pupils experiencing mental health and wellbeing difficulties by raising awareness and employing efficient referral processes, helping pupils access evidence-based early support and interventions.
  • Our lunchtime drop in allows pupils to be able to chat/share their worries with an adult.
  • Our older children are trained as Peer Mediators and as playleaders to support younger children in positive play.
  • Our physical and quieter clubs promote mental health and wellbeing and support for pupils who find busy lunchtimes stressful.
We access specialist support for pupils by working effectively with external agencies including Younited and Allyance counselling service and provide swift access or referrals to specialist support and treatment.
  • Our regular mental health and wellbeing assemblies promote resilience and self-management.
  • Our PSHE curriculum supports our children to build important life skills, such as learning to learn, habits of mind and the growth mindset.
  • Our ethos supports the development of skills and character traits such as self-management, compassion and teamwork.

We identify and support pupils with SEND 
as part of our statutory duties.
We identify where wellbeing concerns represent safeguarding concerns and could be an indicator of abuse, neglect or exploitation, we will ensure that appropriate safeguarding referrals are made in line with our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy.
We share resources and expertise regarding SEMH by regularly work with local schools and the Faculty of Education.