National Whole School Silver Wellbeing Award April 2024
The Needs Analysis appears to confirm many strengths and an embedded positive and supportive culture and climate that has existed at Meldreth prior to engaging with RAW! I thought the detail captured within the NA documentation was excellent. These two points in particular stood out to me:
"Parents and carers aware of the importance of core strength development as a set of critical skills for learning, for work and for life - 89% of parents agree that: ‘The school supports my child’s wider personal development’
"Our Positive Behaviour Policy outlines our therapeutic approach to supporting pro-social behavior in school. All staff are aware that behavior is a form of communication which can illustrate what could be “under-the-surface” when children exhibit difficult or dangerous behaviour and of the “Amygdala Hijack” and the impact this has on emotional self-regulation."
And in your impact statement:
"Our Positive Behaviour Policy sets out the high expectations we have of pupils’ behaviour and conduct. We adopt a zero tolerance approach to bullying and this is supported by the whole school community. Pupil leaders regularly remind others of what they should do if bullying occurs and staff are vigilant to any issues, which allows swift action to be taken when necessary.
Pupils have a positive attitude towards their education and feel happy and safe at the school, this is shown through high attendance rates for all pupil groups – currently 0.2% above national and 98% of parents/carers agreed with the statement ‘My child feels safe at school’ Parent survey Feb 24
Exclusion rates at the school are low and pupils displaying dangerous or difficult behaviour are supported to prevent exclusion. Excellent support is provided for the small number of children struggling to regulate their emotions using both within school expertise and the support of outside agencies e.g. YOUnited, Allyance play therapy, CAMHS.
The welfare and learning of every pupil is the collective responsibility of all staff and is seen as a collaborative task. Staff devote time to develop a deep knowledge and understanding of all pupils and work hard to develop harmonious relationships with families.
Pupils are always keen to learn and can be trusted to work as part of a class, group or independently in different areas of the school. Pupils play an active part in self-monitoring behaviour..."
Marius Frank - Co-Head of Education, Youth Justice Lead
- Science subject leadership has been strengthened and developed. Science is valued and improved through embedded and sustained processes for subject leadership.
- Science teaching has been strengthened and developed. Subject leadership responds to development needs in science teaching.
- Science learning has been strengthened and developed. Subject leadership develops and evaluates teachers’ practice.
- Science has been enriched. Children’s experiences of science are enriched