
New Statutory Attendance Guidance Information

The Department for Education (DfE) released new statutory guidance in February 2024, ‘Working Together to Improve School Attendance’. New legislation behind this guidance is The School Attendance (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2024. All schools in England will be required to follow the guidance, thevisual above illustrates what this means for parents.

Once a child is enrolled at a school, parents/carers are by law responsible for ensuring they attend school regularly. The new statutory guidance has created a legal obligation for all schools to promote attendance positively, take early action to prevent absence occurring and offer support to families when exploring absence from school to secure a child’s right to access their education. It also emphasises the importance of good attendance being a key driver for learning, achievement, and personal success whilst recognising that often, support is required to achieve good attendance.

Notification of Absence
If your child is going to be absent from school please ring before 9.00am on the first day. You will be able to leave a message using option 1, stating name, class and reason for absence. If a specific reason has not been left we may call you back. When a child is absent and no call has been received, we will call you to find out why your child is not in school.

Please ring to report your child's absence on 01763 260432, option 1

School starts at 8.50am for all classes. We believe that punctuality is an important social courtesy and regularly arriving late to school not only disrupts your child's opportunities for learning but those of the children in his/her class. Children arriving late must access the school via the school office where they are registered and the reason for his/her late arrival is recorded. Where the child arrives after registration has closed (8.55am - when the school gates are closed) the absence will be recorded as unauthorised. Late arrivals are monitored by the school and interviews will take place with parents where there is concern.

Medical Appointments

We ask that non urgent appointments such as dental checks and routine vaccinations are made outside of school hours wherever possible.

If your child has a hospital or specialist appointment please bring the letter to the school office where a copy can be placed on their file as proof of authorised absence. 

To collect your child during the school day please visit the school office to sign your child out of school.

Other Absence Requests

Children who are registered at Meldreth must, by law, attend school regularly. All leave taken in term time will be unauthorised unless the absence is for exceptional circumstances.

Parents/Carers are expected to provide explanations for their child/ren’s absence and should collect an unavoidable absence in term time - request form from the school office to explain why your child will not be in school.