How are school's resources allocated and matched to pupil's needs?

Meldreth Primary School is an inclusive school with a strong belief that all children should be valued, treated with respect and reach their full potential. We offer a range of provision to support children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), where the school has identified a need and staffing levels allow. Children’s needs are identified in the first instance either through teacher assessments or from assessments passed on to us from external agencies already involved in reviewing the child’s development. School resources are allocated according to need. 
We strive to ensure that the provision for all our pupils is of the highest possible standards, whilst acknowledging that we are continually improving our practice. We firmly believe that by working in partnership with parents/carers and adults beyond school, that our children get the best possible: care, support, education and opportunities in order to ensure a successful transition into adult life.
Every child is an individual and has individual needs that will affect their learning. Sometimes children need special support to give them an extra boost or to help them catch up with other children of the same age. They may need this support for a short time or a longer period, but during this time we will monitor their progress, look carefully at what special support they need and keep in close touch with parents.
The effectiveness of every intervention run in school is monitored by the use of base line assessments at the beginning of the support work, and post intervention assessments to monitor the progress that children have made. Ongoing assessments throughout the intervention are used to decide if intervention programmes need to be modified to benefit the participating children.
Pupil progress data is updated and reviewed at least on a termly basis which includes a specific focus on SEND children. We track the support being offered throughout the school and provision is updated every term following discussions between the class teachers, assistant head teacher and SENCo.