Healthy Schools Curriculum Statement

Meldreth Primary School recognises that a healthy school is one that is successful in inspiring pupils to do their best and build on their achievements. It is committed to ongoing improvement and development. It promotes physical and emotional health by providing accessible and relevant information and equipping pupils with the skills and attitudes to make informed decisions about their health.
As a healthy school, we understand the importance of investing in health to assist in the process of raising levels of pupil achievement and improving standards, providing both a physical and social environment that is conducive to learning.
As a result Meldreth Primary School aims to:
  • promote a whole school approach to a healthy lifestyle
  • encourage children and staff to make informed decisions on a healthy lifestyle based on positive attitudes and information
  • promote safe working, safe relationships and a safe environment both inside and outside of school
  • provide high quality Physical Education and sport and promote physical activity as part of a lifelong healthy lifestyle
  • provide children and staff with the opportunities to make informed choices about a healthy lifestyle based on current information and liaison with outside agencies 
  • develop the teaching of Food Technology aspect of the Design and Technology Curriculum with regard to healthy eating
  • provide children with more choices as to how they use their playtime by the development of the school grounds
  • encourage children to choose a healthy snack at morning break time
  • support the Government's School Fruit and Vegetable scheme  by encouraging KS1 children to eat one portion every day
  • help children develop greater confidence, motivation, self-esteem and have the skills, information and understanding to make important life and health choices. 
  • achieve better academic results within a setting that supports their health and wellbeing 
  • encourage children to develop good relationships and respect all differences between people