How will the school support my child in starting school and moving on?

We work to ensure smooth transition from pre-school into school, between classes and from primary school into secondary school. This includes visits from school staff to the child’s current class/ setting and series of visits for the child to their new class. Specific individual programmes of transition activities for some children. Documentation passed from a previous setting or school is carefully read, shared and filed. The SENDCo will contact the previous setting for further information as necessary. When a child moves on to another school, all paperwork will be securely forwarded to that school, including a child’s pupil passport, outlining their strengths and barriers and things/ strategies that help.
For children moving on to secondary school the SENCo and class teachers meet with the new school to pass on important information and strategies prior to transition. Extra visits can be arranged with the college to ensure familiarity.
Where it is appropriate, we will develop specific individual programmes of transition activities to support children during the move.