Our Home School Agreement

At Meldreth Primary School, we believe that the success of a pupil’s education is dependent upon an effective working relationship between the child, their parents/carers and the school. Each needs the support and encouragement of the other two.

The school will:

  • Provide your child with a high standard of education, implemented by rigorous national guidelines, within a balanced curriculum.
  • Ensure that our learning environment is stimulating and challenging.
  • Celebrate your child’s academic and personal achievements.
  • Provide the scaffolding needed to enable your child to achieve their full potential.
  • Care for your child’s safety and well-being by observation and listening.


Parent/Carers will: 

  • In order to help my child gain the most of their education, make sure my child arrives at school by 8:40am prepared to start their lessons. They will be wearing named school uniform or other suitable clothing and that their PE kit is kept in school.
  • Let the school know of any concerns or worries that may be affecting my child’s learning, behaviour or ability to do homework, as this can then be resolved quickly.
  • Attend meetings with my child’s teacher and other staff, aiming to be positive and productive, working towards moving my child on in their learning.
  • Support and work with you to ensure that the behaviour management policies of the school are maintained, particularly with my child.
  • Encourage a positive attitude towards my child’s education and our school. If I have any concerns, I will discuss them with you face to face in order to find the best solution for your child and their wellbeing.
  • Read all information sent home as this gives me important details of relevant policies, meetings, workshops, activities, newsletters and open days.


Children will:

  • Accept responsibility for the things that I do.
  • Be responsible for my school and home work.
  • Ask for help if I need it and try my best in all that I do.
  • Be kind and speak politely to everyone in and out of school.
  • Take good care of the building, equipment and school grounds.
  • Behave in a safe way.
  • Be helpful.
  • Tell a member of staff if I am worried or unhappy.