Admissions Policy
We are committed to being welcoming and fully inclusive for all children and aim to respond appropriately to each child’s background and individual needs; working in partnership with parents and carers. We aim to establish relationships with parents and carers through settling in sessions where the sharing of information ensures we are able to meet the individual needs of each child.
We will always need to take into account the admission limit of the playgroup when allocating places which takes into account the capacity of the setting and staff ratios. We are flexible about attendance patterns to accommodate the needs of individual children and families where possible.
Over Subscription
Where the number of applications exceeds the number of places available in the setting, we will use the following oversubscription criteria to prioritise applications:
- Any child who has an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP)
- A 'vulnerable child' who has been supported with an Early Help Assessment or identified as a 'child in need' by the Social Care Team.
- Children in Care (CIC) and Children who were previously in care (CIC) but ceased to be so by reason of adoption, a residence order (now known as a child arrangement order) or special guardianship order.
- Funded childcare for 2 year olds – For children in families with a low income or in receipt of certain benefits.
- Siblings already attending the setting
- Vicinity of home to the setting – giving priority to those who live in Melbourn
- Length of time on the waiting list
If we are unable to offer a child a place, their name will be added to the waiting list, which is held using the over subscription criteria and by date of birth within the criteria (eldest first). Places will only be allocated from the waiting list when the number of children in the playgroup falls below the admission limit.
Security Policy
We have taken a number of steps to ensure your child’s safety whilst at Preschool.
We have a locked door entry system at the main door.
All outdoor areas are securely fenced and gateways fitted with secure locks.
Prior to your child joining Preschool you will be requested to complete a ‘Collection of Child Authorisation Form’. This records details of persons other than parents/guardians whom you have authorised to collect your child from Preschool.
We also ask that as a parent you do not let any other person into the Preschool that you are not familiar with, even if you believe it to be another parent. This may appear rude but we feel that it is a necessary step to protect your child.
Safeguarding Policy
We are committed to the welfare and protection of all children in our care.
We achieve this by identifying emerging issues, intervening early and working in partnership with other agencies.
It is a function of the company to protect children from harm by ensuring that concerns about their safety are properly investigated.
As a childcare company we are fully aware of, and abide by, the local safeguarding children procedures in place in each area we operate.
We will work together with parents in following these guidelines.
All staff employed at Meldreth Preschool are fully vetted with a current enhanced DBS.
Behaviour Policy
We set high expectations through encouraging and praising appropriate behaviour. We believe children benefit most where adults adopt a consistent and positive approach to the management of their behaviour.
We ensure that all staff within a setting are clear of what is expected of each individual child in their care to ensure a consistency of approach. They are trained to set up positive environments, to be aware of causes of unwanted behaviour and to manage such situations when they occur.
We aim to establish clear boundaries according to the child’s level of understanding, encourage children to be aware of them of the settings, routines and procedures and ensure they know what is expected of them.
We aim to provide all children a secure, consistent and calm environment.
We share our behaviour policy with staff, parents and with the children in our care to ensure that all are aware what is expected from them.
Inclusion Policy
We aim to provide equal opportunities in a positive manner to ensure that all staff value and respect the different racial origins, religions, cultures and languages of the children in their care and their families/guardians.
Each child is valued as an individual without racial or gender stereotyping and is encouraged to develop positive attitudes to differences of race, culture, language and gender. The same applies to children with Early Support needs.
The equipment, activities and day to day management of the preschool are organised in such a way to reflect this policy.
We will seek to employ the most suitable candidate for any post.
Our commitment to inclusive practice forms part of the job description for all workers.
Any discriminatory remarks or behaviour within the preschool is unacceptable and will be challenged.