Wren Class Learning

What we have been learning in Year 2...

Here you will find photos and videos of our fantastic learning and children's thoughts shared throughout the year. You will also have access to support materials for our topics.

We hope you will enjoy seeing us aspire...enjoy... achieve.

Recommended Book List
Please see below for a recommended book for Year 2 pupils. We have many of these books in school and they can be readily found in your local library.
Autumn 2
Fire, Fire!
Class text: The Great Fire of London
Wren Class have made a great start to their Fire, Fire topic and started to explore both the Gunpowder Plot and the Great Fire of London. On Friday (8th Nov), we were treated to a drama workshop with Perform for Schools. The children learnt lots of facts about the fire and were introduced to some of the significant people from this historical event.
Nativity Performance
Children of the World
Wren Class have worked incredibly hard to learn their lines and the lyrics to each song. We are so proud them!