What support will there be to ensure my child’s overall wellbeing?

Children need to feel happy and secure to make good progress in their learning. We have experienced specifically trained staff in school to help support the children’s social and emotional development, deal with anxieties and promote their emotional wellbeing. We work closely with families, through communication with parents and offer access to individualised programmes and services:
  • Counselling (including Allyance and Chums services)
  • Referral to appropriate outside agencies eg CAMHS (should the child meet their thresholds) 
  • Referral to the Health and Wellbeing Team
  • Owls nurture group to help children with anxiety self-esteem and emotional difficulties
  • Lego therapy group using Lego to develop team work and cooperation
  • Social Communication groups to develop social interaction skills
  • Social stories – using a purpose written story to explain and explore a social situation and different people responses to it to develop children’s understanding of that situation.