Diary of a Wimpy Kid review


It's a great humour book. If you like this book here are some suggestions: Dork Diaries, Funny Fake Moustache.

He’s stuck in between two morons all lessons unless they get moved. He lives with his mum, dad, brother, Manny and brother Rodrick. There, in his school, in the playground, there's a piece of mouldy cheese there's a rumour in the school.

I, personally, think that Diary of a Wimpy Kid series is really good and Manny’s brother always gets busted by Manny.

A book where it tells you where a new line is about something else. Also where you can you can make your own comic as well or continue one! It asks you what you would take somewhere and what your favourites are. This is also technically your book now so do what you want with this book you can make your own diary of a wimpy book! This book is good for 8,9,10 and 11 years old but best for 9 and 10 years old. The book is very funny and cool!!