Loading Mrs Lorna Lee Play Leader lookout@meldreth.cambs.sch.uk Email Mrs Louise Lipscombe Playworker Mrs Emma Taylor Playworker
Loading Mrs Teresa Short Play Leader lookout@meldreth.cambs.sch.uk Email Mrs Rebecca Brown Playworker Miss Lou Doughty Playworker
Loading At every session we have: A first aider holding the 12 Hour Paediatric Care First Aid qualification All our staff have been trained to understand our safeguarding policy and procedures and have received training in recognising signs of abuse and neglect All our staff must have received training in recognising the signs of radicalisation and how to respond to concerns All staff involved in food preparation have had food handling training A designated child protection person, who has attended a Child Protection Designated Person training course A parent and carer’s guide on the safeguarding arrangements you should expect from us
At every session we have: A first aider holding the 12 Hour Paediatric Care First Aid qualification All our staff have been trained to understand our safeguarding policy and procedures and have received training in recognising signs of abuse and neglect All our staff must have received training in recognising the signs of radicalisation and how to respond to concerns All staff involved in food preparation have had food handling training A designated child protection person, who has attended a Child Protection Designated Person training course