Walk to a local landmark
Visit and find out more about some of the following:
- Meldreth Station
- The stocks on the green
- Meldreth War Memorial
- Meldreth Church
- The A10 underpass
- Melwood Nature Reserve
- The River Mel
- The British Queen Pub
- Topcliffe Mill, located off North End, opposite Holy Trinity Church.
Take photos of your walk and the landmark...come and tell us what you found out!
Write a weather report for your class
Before writing a weather report, watch or listen to a weather report
Provide an overall view of the weather condition of your area. This will include the wind speed and direction, temperature and if rain or snow is expected.
Find out what time the sun rises and sets to complete your report.
Don't forget to use weather symbols to illustrate it too. We can't wait to read it!
Pick blackberries
Where to pick Blackberries grow in all manner of hedgerows across the country.
How to collect Use a large container if you want to pick lots of berries. It’s always good to leave plenty for other pickers, too.
How to store Try to keep blackberries dry and they should last for two to three days. Don’t worry if you’ve picked more than you can handle – blackberries are easily frozen too and can be cooked straight from the freeze. Freeze them on a tray in a single layer so they don’t all squish together.
What to cook Find a recipe for blackberry crumble or jam, make it and tell us how it tasted.