The Twits, Slime and Gangsta Granny reviews

Book name: The Twits


The Twits is a  book written by Roald Dahl for 8 year olds. I would rate it 5 stars because it's very funny and I love the part when they stick everything to the ceiling.


Book name: Gangsta Granny


Gangsta Granny is a thrilling book that is sad, funny and exciting. This book is a great book for over 9 year olds. Personally, I think this book is a 4.5 stars because there are lots of twists and turns. My favourite character is the police. 

Book Name: Slime


Fantastic 34 chapter book including an introduction, prologue and epilogue. If you like comedy or adventure books then this is the book for you. It has fantastic illustrations. It’s about slime which is created by mixing toenail grot, earwax, very mouldy mould, slug juice and bat eggs.