Our Eco Council

Members of our Eco Council play an active role in creating a more ecologically friendly school.  They will look at ways of reducing energy consumption as well as helping to develop the responsible practice across our school. We are proud winners of both the Eco-Schools Green Flag Award and the Wooldland Trust Bronze Green Tree Award.
Supporting Biodiversity - Year 6 Eco Committee members run a lunchtime nature club for our youngest children. The children help keep our pond clear, rewild our wooded area and enjoy outdoor activities.A big thank you to Mrs Taylor for supporting with this.
SPOTTED in and around our pond - tadpoles, water skaters, dragon flies and butterflies.
Supporting a clean and healthy environment, rich in wildlife and valued by people - Year 2 and 6 have been working together to clear our school of litter. Remember if you see some litter, pick it up!
Supporting energy efficiency - We work hard to ensure our school continues to be as energy efficient as possible. Remembering to turn lights and screens off when we leave a room.
Our Ink Bin is a community collection points for all home use ink cartridges.