We have had a lovely week this week and enjoyed lots of fun activities to finish our learning all about minibeasts.
The Caterpillars minibeast sticking pictures with flowers, mud kitchen creations, nature collages, bumblebee craft, hunting for bugs in the garden and other fun themed activities. Other activities have included farm tuff tray play, exploring play dough, building very tall towers, imaginative play with the large vehicles and peppa pig character play.
The Butterflies have continued to make insect pictures developing fine motor skills to follow lines and cut with scissors, making natural habitat collages, design a butterfly, lady bird spot games and a lot more. Some of our group time activities have included listening games, threading hoop cereal onto pipe cleaners, trying out dances for different countries and building habitats for insects using small blocks.
All the children on Tuesday enjoyed a little wiggles dance session which was themed around Spring. On Friday we welcomed parents to join us for a stay and play session and it was lovely to see so many attend. The children and parents had a go at making a sunflower at the craft table, planted sunflower seeds, made a bumblebee using paper plates and tissue paper and enjoyed spending time playing in preschool together. We ended our session with some singing. We will plan another date in soon, so watch this space!
Dates for the diary:
- Monday 6th May - Early May bank holiday - PRESCHOOL CLOSED
- Friday 17th May - PTA bingo night! (see poster below)